Hiring, working, job search after pandemic

Hiring, working, job search after pandemic

Hiring, working, job search after pandemic

One thing we are certain of is the pandemic has changed the way we do business, hire and work. Remote work has become an acceptable way of operating businesses after it made companies realize they could still function with a remote base.

Here is what our surveys are showing now that economies are coming out of the pandemic and companies are going back to fully operational:

  • 1 out of 3 employees are willing to walk away from their jobs if the company they work for is requiring them to go back to working 100% in the office.
  • Working remote is here to stay, most tech companies have already transitioned to working remote for their workforce
  • Office space will become more readily available as companies accommodate more teleworkers.
  • Companies looking to hire will have a plethora of talented people to choose from, because the location is no longer a restriction.
  • Job seekers will have more competition when finding a job, because now you are not only competing with people within your city but rather the whole country & possibly globally too.
  • Many employers who want to have the employees back in the office are facing a conundrum on what the timeline and safety measures to be taken. Can’t force all employees to be vaccinated, can’t be 100% sure that their environments will not be cause for another breakout, even following CDC guidelines does not guarantee a covid19 free workplace.
  • As companies and employees tread the remote/hybrid workplace the challenges of leading individuals and monitoring their performance is another obstacle. Thanks to technology managers can leverage video conferencing calls, IT can install software on laptops to monitor production, frequent one-on-one calls with the people in your team.

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