Hiring the right candidate

Hiring the right candidate

When hiring, you want to make sure you’re not only selecting the right person for the job, but that they are going to stay with your company. This can be done by vetting candidates in a few ways.
First and foremost, do thorough background checks on a potential candidate before inviting them to your offices for an interview.

The following are good tools for checking backgrounds:

  1. Veremark
  2. Sterling
  3. GHRR
  4. Checkr.com

Review their employment history as well as any criminal history or complaints filed against them (such as discrimination suits).

You may also want to conduct reference checks by calling former coworkers and managers who have worked with them so that you can get a more detailed view of the person’s abilities, personality, and potential fit within your organization.
The following companies offer reference checking services:

  1. Xref.com
  2. Skillsurvey.com

Afterward, ask questions instead of just listening to answers during an interview. Use this time to ask about previous experiences that might highlight behavioral traits that could be beneficial (or detrimental) within your organization’s culture.

Questions should relate closely to how they would respond within real-life scenarios rather than “what” or “how many” questions that might be more easily answered

Use the following tools to research the candidates:

  1. LinkedIn
  2. Facebook
  3. Google
  4. instagram
  5. TikTok

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